Where is the sharing economy next!

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To be sure, the future sharing economy model will change the format of many industries, and the energy industry may become a major battlefield for the transformation of the sharing economy.

To be sure, the future sharing economy model will change the format of many industries, and the energy industry may become a major battlefield for the transformation of the sharing economy.

Recently, the eight ministries and commissions jointly issued the ''Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Sharing Economy'', which prospectively pointed out that the sharing economy is conducive to improving the efficiency of resource utilization and the quality of economic development. It is important for promoting supply-side structural reforms and in-depth implementation of innovation-driven development strategies. It is of great significance to cultivate new kinetic energy for economic development and transform and upgrade traditional kinetic energy. This is another major institutional breakthrough made by our country to adapt to and encourage the continuous development of the new form of the Internet economy.

The glory of the sharing economy began in Silicon Valley. Once the sharing economy model of mutual assistance and mutual benefit appeared, it quickly radiated to the world. However, the development of these "fathers of the sharing economy" from Silicon Valley in China lags far behind the latecomer in China. This is not because there is a problem with the sharing economy model represented by the former, but because the understanding of the sharing economy by Chinese local enterprises has surpassed those inventors. From sharing cars, sharing accommodation, to sharing bicycles, sharing power banks, and even sharing umbrellas, it can be said that China is really carrying forward the sharing economy in various fields.

As a more basic public utility, the sharing economization of energy will also promote the rapid development of the sharing economy model in other fields. The energy Internet, which represents the future development direction of the energy industry, has a strong internal consistency with the sharing economy. In the era of energy Internet, the sharing model is a better model for aggregating and optimizing the allocation of installed and load resources. The sharing economy combined with the Internet will change the "fragmentation" of the original energy system, coupling various energy forms such as electricity, heat, cold and gas in production, transmission, storage, consumption and other links, and the resources that can be dispatched will be more diversified. The dispatching method is not based on unilateral instructions of the decision-making center, but on a decentralized system equilibrium based on commercial games.

Specifically, the shared economization of the energy industry can run through the entire value chain of energy production, consumption, and storage:

Production: In the future, there will be a large number of distributed energy production equipment arranged on the consumer side, including renewable energy and small clean fossil energy power generation equipment, and the current self-use surplus electricity online utilization model actually reflects the shared business model.

Consumption: The major change in the field of energy consumption in the future lies in the transportation energy revolution. Electric vehicles are rapidly replacing gasoline and diesel vehicles. The battery energy density and charging efficiency limitations of electric vehicles determine that the future consumption mode of electric vehicles will be fundamentally different from the current gasoline and diesel vehicles. The sharing economy will play a role in this consumption mode switching. Important role. In addition to electric vehicles, the coordination of flexible load resources through the sharing mode can also solve the problem of resonance intensification of the contradiction between the peak and valley difference of electricity consumption in large cities and the fluctuation of renewable energy generation.

Storage: Energy storage will become an important link in the energy Internet value chain in the future. However, energy storage currently has the problems of low utilization efficiency and high investment cost. If it is combined with crowdfunding and sharing economy, community-level energy storage fund-raising construction can be realized, and users in the community can coordinate energy storage capacity on demand through the Internet to realize high-efficiency application of energy storage equipment and greatly reduce the life cycle cost of energy storage.

With the in-depth combination of the sharing economy model and the energy Internet, the boundary between the identities of energy producers and consumers is expected to be further eliminated, the ownership, management and income rights of all kinds of power generation and consumption equipment assets will be separated, the identities of power grid resource users and auxiliary service providers will be blurred, and the narrow power sales companies may even disappear due to the sharing economy model, all kinds of electricity sales companies are further abstracted as platforms for energy exchange and matching through the sharing model, and provide various value-added services.

At that time, the typical business model of energy Internet will be the ubiquitous cloud of energy based on the sharing economy. Due to the high proportion of distributed energy and flexible load, the elimination of boundaries between energy producers and consumers, the general intelligence and interconnection of various facilities and equipment, the ubiquity of computing power and artificial intelligence, and the maturity of the new interactive trading mechanism based on block chain, all kinds of energy production and consumption facilities will be integrated into an open and dynamic energy cloud based on the sharing mode, and the revolution set off by the sharing economy in the energy field is very worth looking forward.

Sharing, Energy, Economy, Internet, Consumption, Mode, Economic Model, Future, Equipment

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